Meynell Spare Parts
Meynell 15mm Isolation/ Strainer Unit SPVE0018J
Meynell 3/4" Valve Assembly SPVE0013J
Spare Parts
Meynell Blendamix Seal Kit SPSK0039J
Meynell Cartridge Assembly TBSM-3 SPSL0010J
Meynell Cartridge Reference SPCE0008J
Meynell Checkvalve & Strainer Kit SPCV0021J
Meynell Chrome 2m Flexible Shower Hose 150.70
Meynell Chrome 1.5m Flexible Shower Hose SPSF0020P
Meynell Chrome Control Knob Assembly SPKB0006P
Meynell Chrome Outlet Elbow SPSF0024P
Meynell Chrome Tap Control Knob SPKB0018P
Meynell Chrome Viscount Control Lever Kit SPLR0002P
Meynell Concealing Plate Kit SPPE0008P
Meynell Exposed 3/4" Victoria Seal Kit SPSK0032J
Meynell Gold V6 Control Knob SPKB0026PG
Meynell Head Assembly SPHD0015J
Meynell Lever Tap Cartridge SPCE0009J
Meynell Mintap Head Assembly SPHD0011J
Meynell Mintap Seal Kit SPSK0027J
Meynell Mira Seal Kit SPSK0014J
Meynell Niagara 2 1/2" Seal Kit SPSK0318.1J
Meynell Niagara Seal Pack SPSK0037J
Meynell Niagara TBS & TBM Seal Kit SPSK0016J
Meynell Paired Flow Regulators SPRR0004J
Meynell Paired Mintap Flow Regulator Set SPRR0006J
Meynell Push Shower Recessed Cartridge Assembly SPCE0014P
Meynell Pushtap Cartridge SPCE0001J
Meynell Pushtap Cartridge SPCE0012P
Meynell Pushtap Seal Kit SPSK0004J
Meynell Recessed Cartridge SPCE0005J
Meynell Safemix 22 Seal Kit SPSK0052J
Meynell Safemix 28 Head Assembly SPHD0026J
Meynell Safemix 28 Piston Assembly SPPN0002J
Meynell Safemix Check Valve Seal Pack SPSK0046J
Meynell Safemix spindle and gland assembly SPSE0004J
Meynell Safemix Strainer And Check Valve Kit SPCV0022J
Meynell Seal Kit for Safemix 15 SPSK0048J
Meynell Seal Kit/Delay Case Pushshower SPSK0038J
Meynell Shower Control Knob Assembly SPKB0015P
Spare Parts
Meynell SM1 Seal Kit SPSK0020J
Meynell SM1 Thermostatic Internals SPSM0278J
Spare Parts
Meynell SM2 Seal Kit SPSK0021J
Meynell SM3 Check Valve Head Assembly SPHD0019P
Meynell SM3 Check Valve Service Kit SPVE0009J
Meynell SM3 Checkvalve Seal Kit SPSK0045J
Meynell SM3 Metering Valve Assembly SPVE0005J
Meynell SM3 Seal Kit SPSK0022J
Meynell SM4 Seal Kit SPSK0028J
Meynell SM5 Spindle and Gland Assembly SPSE0005J
Meynell SM5000 Check Valve Seal Kit SPSK0040J
Spare Parts
Meynell SM6 Check Valve Clack & Spring Assembly SPVE0011J
Meynell SM6 Checkvalve Seal Kit SPSK0047J
Meynell SM6 Seal Kit SPSK0030J
Meynell SM6 Seal Pack SPSK0030J
Meynell SM6 Thermostatic Element Assembly SPEL0008J
Meynell Spindle & Gland Assembly SPSE0002P
Meynell Spindle & Gland Assembly SPSE0003J
Meynell Thermal Head Assembly SPHD0003J
Meynell Thermostatic Control Knob Kit SPCS0009J
Meynell Thermostatic Element Assembly SPEL0005J
Meynell Thermostatic Internals SPSM0284J
Meynell V8 Exposed Seal Kit SPSK0035J
Spare Parts
Meynell Vandal Resistant Shower Fitting Chrome PRSF0265P
Meynell Victoria 3/4" Recessed Seal Kit SPSK0033J
Meynell Victoria Rec Head Assembly SPHD0016J
Meynell Vigour Microswitch/PCB Assembly SPCS0004J
Meynell Virtuoso BSM Seal Kit SPSK0026J
Meynell Virtuoso V6 Recessed SPSK0042J
Meynell Virtuoso V8 Flow Regulator Set SPRR0005J
Meynell Viscount Seal Pack SPSK0041J
Meynell White 22mm Soap Dish SPSF0016U
Meynell White Multi-Mode Showerhead SPSF0004U
Meynell White Shower Head Holder SPBS0008U
Meynell White Shower Hose Retaining Ring SPSF0015U
Meynell White Single Mode Shower Head SPSF0012U